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Dot Net Fundamentals Test

By on 00:05

Dot Net Fundamentals Test

Consider the method given below:

void GC,Collect(lnt32 Generation)

Which of the following statements would be correct, if you pass 2 as argument (in the above method)?

a. GC will collect generation 2
b. GC will collect generation 1 and 2
c. GC will collect generation 0,1 and 2
d. GC will collect generation 0

Which of the following manages the code during execution?

a. Coding Manager
b. JIT
c. COde Manager
d. Coder Manager

A manifest includes the following data about the assembly

a. File list
b. None
c. Referenced assemblies
d. MS1L information

Which transport protocol is used to call a Web Service?

d. ALL

An application can have any number of modules and files. Which of the following is used to link them together into a single assembly?

a. al.exe
b. ac.exe
c. bl.exe
d. ad.exe

_________ is used to generate the assembly from modules.

a. soapsuds.exe
b. IIdasm.exe
c. Person.exe
e. SN.exe

Which of the following tools can be used to configure assemblies located in the GAC?

a. Soapsuds.exe
b. Lldasm.exe
c. CASPol.exe
d. Mscorcfg.msc
e. SN.exe

The code written to target common language runtime services is called

a. Generated Code
b. yanaged Code
c. Unmanaged Code
d. CLR Code
e. Service Code

Which of the following run In-Process?

a. EXE file
b. Resx file
c. DLL file
d. OCX file

What happens when enough memory is not available to be allocated to an object?

a. MemoryFull exception is thrown
b. Garbage collector is automatically run to free up memory
c. OutOfMemory exception is thrown
d. The .Net worker process is restarted

Which of the following is not a feature of NET 2.0?

a. Partial classes
b. Generics
c. Multiple Inheritance
d. Partial Methods

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to Windows process memory allocation?

a. Each process (instance of an application) gets its own RAM and prevents the OS from crashing when the process crashes
b. RAM is shared between the processes and saves OS crash with the process crash
c. Each process gets its own RAM and causes OS to crash with the process crash
d. RAM is shared between the processes and causes OS to crash with the process crash

Which of the following can not be used with files?

a. FileClose
b. FileInput
c. LineInput
d. LOF
e. PrintLine

How many classes can a single .NET DLL contain?

a. 10
b. 20
c. Unlimited
d. 5

Which of the following can you use to resolve assemblies, types, and resources?

a. System.AppDomain.CreateDomain
b. System.AppDomainSetup.ApplicationBase
c. System.AppDomainSetup.CreateComlnstanceFrom
d. System.AppDomain.ApplyPolicy

Which type of parameter is passed in subroutines by default?

a. ByRef
b. ByVal

C# has a Keyword called int. Which .NET type does this map to?

a. System.Int16
b. System int32
c. System.Int64
d. System.Int128

Which of the following is correct for value and reference type in .NET?

a. Value types directly contain their data
b. Reference types store a reference to the value’s memory address
c. Value types can be built-in but can’t be user-defined
d. All of the above

When are AssemblyHash values used?

a. They are used throughout the common language runtime to detect a change in assembly
b. They are used in the Common type system for type safety if
c. They are used to change the metadata information in assemblies

Which of the following is used as Serializer for the web services?

a. XmlSerializer
b. SoapSerializer
c. BinaryFormatter
d. SoapFormatter

Which of the following are the main goals behind ADO .NET?

a. To provide seamless support for XML
b. To support COM directly
c. To provide an expandable and scalable data access architecture programming model
d. To extend the current capabilities of ADO

Which of the following code is not 'managed' by default in NET framework?

a. Visual Basic
b. C#
c. C++
d. Jscript

Compilers of CLS compliant language generate:

a. MSIL code and Metadata
b. MSIL code
c. Metadata
d. Machine code

Which tool can you use to register managed types with the Windows registry?

a. SN.exe
b. Regasm.exe
c. lldasm.exe
d. none

doesn't .Net runtime offer deterministic destruction?

a. Due to CTS
b. Due to Finalize class
c. Due to garbage collection algorithm
d. Due to the JIT

How many bits does the int datatype use in NET?

a. 16 bits
b. 32 bits
c. 64 bits
d. None of the above

The primary building block of the NET framework is

a. ado.NET
b. assembly
c. JIT
d. manifest

Which of the following is valid and is included in the type definition?

a. Any attribute that is defined in the type
b. The name of the type
c. The visibility of the type
d. The base types of the type
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

Which of the following is used to do garbage collection?

a. gc.Collect
b. gc.KeepAlive
c. gc.SuppressFinalize

A user application-domain can be created:

a. Automatically
b. By using a static method "CreateAppDomain"
c. By using a static method "CreateDomain"
d. By using a non static method "CreateAppDomain"

Which of the following functionalities does System.Diagnositcs class provide?

a. Reflection
b. Trace
c. Manage code
d. Remoting

An assembly is unloaded:

a. By using static method Unload()
b. By using non static method Unload()
c. By unloading its application domain
d. By unloading CLR

Which of the following does not constitute the benefits of CLR?

a. Ability to use components developed in different language
b. Garbage collection
c. IDL (Interface Definition Language) use is promoted by restricting self describing objects d. Ability to compile once, and run on any CPU

Which of the following files is used to implement application and session level events?

a. Global.asax
b. Web.eonfig
c. Machine.config
d. None of the above

________ class defines the set of information that constitutes input to security policy decisions in System.Security.Policy namespace.

a. FileCodeGroup
b. ApplicationTrust
c. Evidence
d. PolicyLevel
e. PolicyStatement

A hashtabie is serialized by using:

a. XmlSerializer or SoapFormafter
b. XmlSerializer
c. SoapFormatter
d. XmlSerializer and SoapFormatte

Which of the following statements is correct.

(a) A Try block must include Catch or Finally sections.
(b) Using an empty Finally section is illegal.

a. Only (a) is true
b. Only (b) is true
c. Both (a) and (b) are false
d. Both (a) and (b) are ture

.NET coniponents are accessed from

a. RCW
b. CCA
d. CCW

Lapsed listener problem:

a. Is caused in memory destruction
b. is due to leaks in .Net application
c. is caused due to wrong coding
d. Is caused due to object being destroyed

You can create the remote application domain using:

a. AppDomain.BuldDomain
b. AppDomain.MakeDomain
c. AppDomainXreateDomain
d. AppDomain.GenerateDomain


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