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iPhone Programming OS 4.0 Test

By on 23:13

iPhone Programming OS 4.0 Test

Which of the following are new features to have been introduced in iPhone OS 4.0?

a. Multitasking
b. Apple Push Notification Service
c. Local Notification
d. Gesture Recognizers

Which of the following properties of the CA Key frame Animation class represents an optional array of NS Number objects that define the duration of each key frame segments

a. path
b. keyTimes
c. rotation mode
d. continuity Values

Which part of the HTTP Live Streaming is responsible for taking input streams of media and encoding them digitally?

a. Server component
b. Distribution component
c. Client software
d. None of the above

When your session becomes active, which of the following iPhone OS 4.0 audio session categories allows other audio to continue playing?

a. AVAudioSessionCategoryArnbient
b. AVAudioSessionCategorySoloArnbient
c. AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback
d. AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord

Which of the following terms are related to Memory Management in Objective-C?

a. alloc
b. mutableCopy
c. delete
d. release

Which of the following statements regarding Objective-C are correct?

a. In Objective-C, the keyword for NULL is nil.
b. In Ob|ective-C, #importand#include compiler directives carry out the same operations.
c. In Objective-C, for the object-oriented constructs (such as method return values), id is the default data type.
d. The keyword nil has an id with a value of 0.

When using a Cocoa framework, what will all ControlEvents method of UlControl class return in case tt fails to create the objects

a. failure to create
b. no object to return
c. status code 420
d. nil

Which of the following debugging tasks are provided by Xcode to find and squash bugs in your code?

a. Add and set breakpoints.
b. View your call stack per thread.
c. View the value of variables by hovering the mouse pointer over them.
d. Execute a single line of code.
e. All of the above

Which of the following is the correct syntax for declaring a class in Objective-C?

a. ©interface ClassName " ItsSuperclass
instance variable declarations
method declarations

b. ©implementation ClassName " ItsSuperclass
instance variable declarations
method declarations

c. @class ClassName  ItsSuperclass
 instance variable declarations
method declarations

d. All are correct

Which of the following statements is correct regarding functions fopen and open in generic

a. fopen returns an error if the file does exist.
b. fopen does not automatically create the file if it does not exist.
c. open returns an error if the file does exist.
d. open returns a file descriptor.

Which of the following types of audio files has NO size restriction?

c. CAF
d. All of the above have file size restrictions.

When the genstrings tool discovers a key string used more than once in a single strings file, it:

a. deletes the comments from the individual entries and leaves one comment string without generating a warning.
b. merges the comments from the individual entries into one comment string and generates a warning.
c. differentiates the comments from the individual entries into various strings and generates a warning.
d. None of the above

Locking all connections before editing the Nib files can be achieved by using:

a. An option in the Start Menu.
b. An option in the Preferences panel of Interface Builder.
c. An option in the Preferences panel of Language Directory.
d. Any of the above

What will the hitTest: object of the CALayer class return if the point lies outside the receiver's bounds rectangle?

a. nil
b. true
c. false
d. 0

Which of the following languages can be used to write the code for Xcode projects?

a. C
b. C++
c. Objective-C
d. Objective-C++
e. Java

You want to animate a layer's opacity to 0 while moving it further away in the layer. Which of the following code snippets will you use?

a. theLayer.opacity=0.0;

b. theLayer.opacity=0.0;
thel_ayer.zPosition= -100;

c. thel_av'er.opacity=0.0;

d. theLayer.opacity=1.Q;

Which Core Audio Service framework is used to record, play back, pause, loop, and synchronize audio in iPhoneOS4.0?

a. Audio Queue
b. Music Sequencing Services
c. Core Audio Clock
d. System Sound Services

Which of the following methods is used for the purpose of creating your view objects in memory managements

a. Initialization methods
b. loadView
c. viewDidLoad
d. dealloc

Which of the following reasons will return a value of NO for the instance method startVideoCapture of class UIImagePickerController?

a. Movie capture is already in progress.
b. The device does not support movie capture.
c. The device is out of disk space.
d. All of the above

What is the datatype of the parameter in ValidBitsPerChannel for the function CalculateLPCMFIags in CoreAudioTypes class in iPhone OS 4.0?

a. Ulnt32
b. bool
c. Float32
d. Ulnt64

Which of the following properties of the UIImage class are not in use after iOS 4.2?

a. imageOnentation
b. size
c. leftCapWidth
d. topCapHeight

What is the default value of the remoteParticipantVolume property of the class GKVoiceChatService in iPhone OS 4.0?

a. 0.0
b. 0.5
c. 1.0
d. 5.0

If you want to rotate an object using Core Animation, in radians, in the z axis, which of the following key paths of a layer's CATransform3D matrix will you use?

a. rotation
b. rotation.xy
c. rotation.*
d. rotation.y
e. rotation.z

What will be the return value of function ABPersonComparePeopleByName when person1 goes before person2 in class ABPersonComparePeopleByName in iPhone OS 4.0?

a. kCFCompareLessThan
b. kCFCompareEqualTo
c. kCFCompareGreaterThan
d. None of the above

How much time in seconds will it take to display an animation if you have 60 images using UIImageView class for the property anirnationDuration?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 10
d. 15

Which of the following is NOT a parameter of function SecKeyDecrypt of the class SecCertificate in iPhone OS 4.0?

a. key
b. padding
c. cipherText
d. certificate

Which of the following is NOT the default behavior of an audio session in iPhone OS?

a. Playback is disabled and recording is enabled.
b. When you move the Ring/Silent switch to the "silent" position, your audio is silenced.
c. When you press the Sleep/Wake button to lock the screen, or when the Auto-Lock period expires, your audio is silenced.
d. When your audio starts, other audio on the devicesuch as iPod audio that was already playingis silenced.

What happens if Xcode is not able to find a file or folder at the path defined for it in the project?

a. Xcode skips the file or the folder and continues execution.
b. Xcode gives an alert with a description of the missing file.
c. Xcode displays the item in red in the project window.

What is the value type of UTTypeConformsTo key of uniform type identifier for iPhone OS 4.0"?

a. array of dictionaries
b. array of strings
c. string
d. dictionary
e. integer

Which of the following properties of the GKSession class is read-only'?

a. available
b. delegate
c. displayName
d. peerlD
e. sessionID

What will the following method definition do if the value of the accessed counter is 0?
What will the following method call do if the value of the accessed counter is 0?

- (void)discardContentlfPossible

a. It will discard the contents of the object because the counter is 0.
b. It will not discard the contents of the object because the counter is required to be above 0.
c. It will not discard the content of the object as a negative counter value is required.
d. None of the above

Which Core Audio Services framework handles positional and low-latency audio services in iPhone OS 4.0?

a. Audio Toolbox
b. Audio Unit
c. AV Foundation
d. Core Audio
e. OpenAL

Before editing the Nibs, one should:

a. Unlock all connections.
b. Lock all connections.
c. Break all connections.
d. None of the above

What is the datatype of the clockwise parameter of the CGContextAddArc function of the CGContexl class1?

a. bool
b. int
c. CGFIoat
d. CGContextRef

Which of the following copy functions will you use in Objective-C to create an entirely new compound object?

a. Shallow Copy
b. Deep Copy
c. Both a and b

Which of the following properties of ADBannerView class are read-only?

a. bannerLoaded
b. currentContentSizeldentifier
c. bannerVievvActionlnProgress
d. delegate
e. requiredContentSizeldentifiers

What is the function of the Code Sense feature in Xcode?

a. Code Sense helps in switching between different circumstances such as development or release.
b. Code Sense maintains an index that contains important information for your project.
c. Code Sense creates a cache for the files which are being used frequently.
d. Code Sense maintains an index of files used in a project.
e. Code sense is the code completion feature helpful in avoiding typing and syntax errors.

Which of the following directives are used to declare and define classes, categories, and protocols?

a. ©interface
b. ©implementation
c. ©protocol
d. ©class
e. ©end

What is the return value of SecRandomCopyBytes function of SecRandom class in iPhone OS 4.0 if the function completes successfully?

a. 0
b. 1
c. -1
d. true

Apple's implementation of HTTP Live Streaming supports DRM (Digital rights management).

a. True
b. False


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